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Our Promise

We understand the budgets, timescales and patience are finite and that failure to deliver on time or within budget can have significant knock-on affects to a whole project.


For this reason, we guarantee reports will be delivered on time and on budget. We offer the following guarantees:


Time Guarantee

We guarantee, subject to the restrictions set out below, that we will send an electronic copy of our draft report by a previously agreed date. If we fail to deliver the report by the agreed date, we shall not charge the quoted line item “Desk Study (Phase 1) report” and/or line item “Intrusive (Phase II) Investigation report”, at our discretion (the “Time Guarantee”).


The typical agreement process will proceed as such; following your enquiry to us, a ‘draft report date’ shall be stated in our quotation. Upon the client’s acceptance of our quotation, the ‘draft report date’ shall be formally and mutually agreed. This agreement may be subject to payment of any proforma invoice or other outstanding payments due to Regolith. In the event that payment is not received, the ‘draft report date’ may be delayed (at our discretion). Upon receipt of any such payments, the project shall commence and our draft report shall be issued in accordance with the agreed or adjusted ‘draft report date’.


E.G. If the ‘draft report date’ is agreed to be the “end of play” on the 4th May, we shall send an electronic copy of our draft report to the client (or representatives thereof) no later than 00:00 am on the 5th May. We shall use an email send receipt or confirmation email from a computer file transfer service (e.g. WeTransfer) as proof of the report having been sent on time.


Budget Guarantee

We guarantee, subject to the restrictions set out below, we will not invoice a total value for the project in excess of our quoted price (as accepted by the client or their representative), plus any amounts subsequently agreed to in writing (by the client or their representative).


In the event that previously unforeseen circumstances necessitate additional expenditure and the client (or representative) cannot be contacted to agree to the uplift in price, to ensure the smooth running of the project we may take it upon ourselves to spend up to 5% of the total project cost or £500 (whichever is the lower) and seek written approval from the client (or representative) retrospectively.


In the event that previously unforeseen circumstances necessitating in excess of the lower of 5% project cost or £500, and the client (or representative) cannot be contacted to agree to the uplift, work shall cease and further expenditure minimised until a resolution can be agreed. ​All values are excluding VAT.



The Time Guarantee may not be offered on all projects. For example, in the case of a very long duration, heavily phased project with numerous reports (such as may be the case in a plot-by-plot cover system validation/verification exercise) it may be impractical to guarantee report dates due to the logistics involved. In such a situation the client shall be informed as to our intention not to apply the Time Guarantee and an agreement come to between both parties.


The Budget Guarantee takes precedent over and may invalidate the Time Guarantee. As stated, if a proforma invoice of other outstanding payment is due, Time Guarantee may be adjusted accordingly. If the client (or their representative) cannot be contacted to agree to additional expenditure in accordance with the Budget Guarantee, the Time Guarantee may be adjusted accordingly or nullified.


Both the Time Guarantee and Budget Guarantee are offered and administered at our discretion.  Regolith reserves the right to remove any of the guarantees at any time and for any reason whatsoever in its sole discretion including, but not limited to, inclement weather, technical problems, health and safety, quality control or any related issues. Regolith will determine any dispute as to the applicability of a guarantee in its sole discretion.



GAC Consulting, The Enterprise Centre University of East Anglia Norwich Research Park, Norwich NR4 7TJ England

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