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Remediation and Verification

Contaminated Land Remediation

Following on from the risk assessment and investigation, Stage 3 focuses on remediation. Remediation is the process or activities that will be undertaken to ‘clean up’ a site to reduce the potential risk and ensure that the finished development is ‘suitable for use’.

The activities to be undertaken, identified and agreed in the previous stages, are written into a remediation scheme. This sets out the objectives, states what methods will be used and in what order as well as identifying any licences or consents that may be necessary.

Importantly , the remediation scheme also sets out the method and frequency of validation that will be used to demonstrate that the objectives have been met and what action will be taken in the event that the validation fails to demonstrate the remediation has been successful.


As remediation is ideally completed by a third party, our remediation schemes are written so as to be clear and understandable to all stakeholders. Clarity is important in making sure all parties understand their role and responsibility within the remedial works. This minimises the risk or errors and compliance failures, preventing costly delays.


Once the remediation works have been physically completed, verification is the process of demonstrating the process has been successful in achieving its stated objective. Evidence in the form of documents, photographs and measurements may be collected and complied into a verification statement. This provides a record demonstrating the successful completion of the works and states formally that the site is ‘suitable for use’. 

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